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The Shopping List you know and love is getting an upgrade with new features to simplify your weekly planning!
Now you can create mini shopping lists for each store you plan to visit, add item quantities, and access more item details within your list. Keep reading for more details on how the new and improved Flipp Shopping List will help you perfect your weekly shopping routine.
Organize Your List By Retailer
We’ve made some upgrades to how different items on your list are shown. Your clippings have always been organized by retailer — and now you can organize list items by retailer too making it easier to create separate lists for each retailer you plan to visit. You can easily move items between retailer lists or to the general ‘My List’ if you don’t have a specific retailer in mind.
See More Item Details on Clippings
Glancing at an item you’ve clipped to your Shopping List has never been easier. Clippings now feature more information to make saving on your purchases more seamless. You’ll now see the price and item valid dates displayed within clippings on your lists to quickly find the item details you’re looking for.
Bring Home the Right Amount with Quantities
If you ever wanted to use your Shopping List to keep track of how many apples you needed, now you can! Quickly add the item amount to your shopping list using the Quantities feature. That goes for both list items and clippings.
For more details on how to use the new Shopping List, check out this article How to Use the New Shopping List!